Jun 9, 2019 -
Web Design Series Dreamweaver 8 and CS3: What's The Difference? I've spent several months of my life building websites for my own personal use, not to mention for my business (although the last few were for clients). One thing I have learned about web design is that you can do so much more in the editing and building of a website than you would ever think. I believe the way to make your website professional is with a web design software program.
The first step to building a website is to learn all you can about the various parts of Dreamweaver, namely: CS3 and CSS. When learning how to build your own website, the program you choose will determine what you can do with it. If you are just using a Dreamweaver template or an out of the box website, you can usually skip the learning steps and make any changes you want. But if you are making a custom designed website, learning about both Dreamweaver and CSS is a must. The next step to using a web design software program is to learn about Dreamweaver templates. These are pre-made programs that allow you to quickly create a web page from scratch, although this step doesn't pertain directly to how to make a website. But the same concepts apply. The third step to making a website in a web design series is to learn about designing HTML, and the tools that you need to create the pages. If you're not familiar with HTML, it is a language designed by Tim Berners-Lee that allows you to add tags to web pages. You can add different styles, add graphics, and change the code. In addition, you can also add JavaScript code, which allows an user to add interactivity to the website by clicking on one of the links, buying or browsing products, or changing prices. Once you learn about HTML, the next step to using a web design software program is to learn CSS. CSS is not as complex as HTML, but it does take some learning to understand just how it works, so it is recommended that you invest in a program such as Dreamweaver Pro, Dreamweaver CS3, or another program designed by Adobe to help you become a more knowledgeable web designer. The last step to using a web design series is to learn how to use Dreamweaver. This step is essential because without it, you won't be able to create a professional looking website. It is also very time consuming because you must learn how to use each tool that you use for each web page that you create.Additional Articles:
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