Feb 1, 2025 -
Search engines change so fast - most of what you hear is wrong. While it's true that search engines don't make a habit of staying static, they do change regularly and frequently - in short periods of time. It's not like they just wake up one day and say "we're done with indexing websites, it's time to start indexing new ones! "
Search engines have been doing their best to make themselves better. They started by adding a few major features - and added more features over time. But the big reason why people don't get indexed quickly by them is that the search engine's algorithms change on a daily basis - and you have to keep up with the times in order to get indexed quickly.
The main cause for a slow crawl for a site is that the search engines have made changes to their ranking algorithm. Usually, when the search engines make a change, it doesn't happen overnight - it takes about a week for a new algorithm to come out, and then another two weeks or so before it becomes part of the new version. A site that makes no changes can usually be indexed within this period of time.
If a site's popularity decreases, it may be due to several reasons, but the main reason is that the search engines have not added new keywords to their algorithms. This is usually a sign that they are making adjustments to their algorithms, which will make it harder for them to index new sites. When a site is not well-optimized, it will usually get indexed very slowly - even if there are plenty of links pointing to it.
A site that has good optimization will be indexed much faster. It's also more likely to be in the top 10 results of any search - but a site that has poor optimization may not even show up at all!
A site with good optimization is always getting indexed at a fast pace - in fact, it can sometimes feel like your site never changes. But if you have a lot of pages with poor optimization, it's important to update them on a regular basis.
Now, if you want to keep up with the latest changes, you can hire someone to do a little SEO work for you - especially if you're trying to get indexed quickly by one of the major search engines. There are several people that do website optimization for a living, and they all have different tools and methods to choose from. But one of the most popular things you can do is hire someone to do keyword research for you.
With good optimization, you can expect your site to get indexed fairly quickly. If it doesn't, then it's probably because you haven't added enough new keywords to the engines.
If you want to make sure your site is indexed, you should hire someone to look over it on a weekly basis. That way, you can get indexed much faster than you would by yourself.
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